Mystic Living Program

 Who is this program for?

Curious students of the Mystic Living Program are actively awakening in exploring who they really are.  To explore life’s mysteries, they may come in the name and form of spiritual seeker, student, healer, yogi, shaman, oracle, seer, wise woman or man, mystic, channel, teacher, shamanic priest or priestess – or very simply, without a name or title at all.  These are students who wish to enhance their understanding and embodiment of the sacred teachings of Life in a creative and authentic way.  They are often keepers of ceremonies, rituals, rites and sacred song.  They ally themselves with many Earth kingdoms and helpers in both the seen and unseen worlds.  They celebrate the passage of time, cycles, new beginnings, and endings.  They resonate with the sacred teachings of yoga and shamanism, and embrace this marriage.  They are seeking sovereignty from dogma to steady themselves on the path of non-preference and non-attachment.  They see behind the illusion of darkness and know their place is in the light.  Their strength is servitude and their operative is humbleness.

Time to awaken

In these modern times, many are waking up to the call of mystical living.   Many are ready to re-link with the original vibration of Earth and call back the sacred.  This comes as a yearning, an unexplained silent call from deep within and from the Earth herself.  The time of now is open for those willing to explore this intimate part of themselves.

An awakening is taking place, after centuries of repression of the shamanic and mystical arts.  This training program is suited to reuniting emerging mystics of Earth with their naturalness, through the sacred marriage of shamanism and yoga.  It serves through the stages of inner purification, sacred rites and wisdom, and expression.  It is a path of self-mastery, self-realization and self-discovery.  It is a path of healing and service to all of creation.  It is a time to step forward and fully embrace the sacredness of life.

Next group starts October 2021.

Click on the drop-down menus below for more information

About the Course

The whole program is 3 years long.  The first year is a prerequisite to other subsequent years, and it can also be taken singularly. First year is called The Initiate year.  This program is rooted in the unity of all spiritual paths and accepts those from all backgrounds.

The 1st year is called: The Initiate                                                                                                           

The foundation year of The Initiate is primarily focused on purification, clearing, and uplifting the human structures to prepare them for and enhancement practices, initiations and wisdom offered. The Earth Foundations Course is included in this year, offering a daily meditation practice. It is a powerful year of total renewal.  A necessary step for further study.  See month by month outline below.

The 2nd year is called: The Medicine                                                                                                         

The second year called The Medicine dives deeper into the practice and implementation of sacred rites and embodiment of wisdom.  Here the student, having graduated from The Initiate takes a step further towards their own mastery by immersing in sacred knowledge and wisdom transmissions, discovering one’s own unique role, rites, ceremony and ritual.  It is the core year of the training.

The 3rd and final year is called: The Embodiment                                                                           

The third year is all about embodying the teachings and wisdom.  This year goes beyond learning and starts the expression and application process of what the student knows.  It involves going beyond what was once seen as impossible or unattainable.  It involves a practicum aspect and seva or selfless service.  The student learns to express their unique and naturalness and is supported by a teacher.

Throughout the year materials will be drawing on; yoga and philosophy, Ayurveda and shamanic earth-based practices, herbalism and the wise herbal ways, ceremony and sacred rites , meditation, sound light, chant and sacred song, field trips to special sites (if in person) and public events.

The program is accessible in person or by online participation.

The program includes teachings from the book “Mystic Rites – A Guide for Sacred Living” written by Bermalva, and accompanying sound light music CD by The Bhakti Connection.

One spot in each training year is offered at a significant discount to single parents, those with serious health challenges, and working students. Minimum of 5 students are required to run the course.  If this is you, please submit your proposal for this spot in the course.  Send us an email below.

About your teacher

The teachings received and that I live come both from the shamanic and yogic backgrounds, and the course is a marriage of the two. At 15 I had my first spiritual awakening, then learned from a number of spiritual teachers and shamans and since then, which has offered me new life and constant renewal. The path of effortless self-realization, and this course teaches the same – how to realize the Self through the path of Mystic Living, which is a unique path.  As a shaman, healer, wise woman lay herbalist, yogini and student of Life, I offer Earth-based teachings through this training program, as it is my purpose and joy to teach and share these valuable teachings.  Whoever enters at the beginning of the training will most certainly be a different person by the end. The teachings, meditations, and materials are adapted and suited to the current needs of the students.  I look forward to serving you in these precious 3 years together.  Namo Namo. Bermalva
Each Month of the Program

The Initiate year includes the following general themes for each month, set by the energy present during that time of year.  It starts in October each year.  Its focus is on preparing the student for being a clear vessel through purification.  It is a full year of initiation into the ways of the shamanic mystic path.  Each month’s theme will be supported by reading, teachings, audio, video or special homework.

  • Month 1 – Purification – All bout purification.  What is purification?  The Practical Awakening daily practice, given over first 6 weeks, 2 hour class once a week. Students who already have the PA will get an upgrade on the practice.
  • Month 2 – How to do a 3 day purification process, including Ayurvedic considerations, self oleation, diet, at-home treatments, recipes, dinacharya ( daily lifestyle routine)
  • Month 3 – Purification of thought and mind through breath.  Breath intensive, chakra meditations, the breath of the sacred/effortlessness.
  • Month 4 – Purification of voice and communication.  Organ of communication, with self (meditation), others (transmission) and divine (pure acts)
  • Month 5 – Purification with the past.  Restructuring the past.  The subconscious.  Dream work
  • Month 6 – Cellular Purification.  How to contact inner organs and reprogramming through belonging and acceptance.  Certain ceremonies to release the past.
  • Month 7 – Purification of Inner Power and Self.  Self responsibility and the supra astral body.
  • Month 8 – Purification of authority.  Moving from rebellion to surrender
  • Month 9 – Purification of acts and times.  Acts without personal will and binding to time.  Presence the eternal now.
  • Month 10 – Purification of the Sacred Womb.  Sex and fertility of Life, one’s own and Earth.
  • Month 11 – Purification of Medicine / Prana.  Month long Ayurvedic mono-diet using herbs and discovering personal totem herbs.
  • Month 12 – Purification through surrender and embodiment.  Identifying what one worships in life.

There is a distinct theme and flow of energy during each of the lunar cycles that the program follows and taps into.  It is linked with the energies available to work with within each lunar month and New Earth information.  A student of The Initiate year can expect a number of the following options each month:

  • Yoga and meditations videos
  • Online/in person monthly group class 2-3 hours long.  Session is recorded and audio file sent to each initiate after each session, to keep and re-listen to.
  • Ceremony/ ritual pertinent to month’s theme
  • Homework/Self-study and Monthly Journal
  • Online links, books and references to materials covered
  • Discounts on retreats and other yearly offerings at Santainaii, outside of the program
  • Ongoing free support for questions and challenges

Year two, The Medicine offers:

  • Month 1 – Medicine of Ceremony and Cleansing
    What is a ceremony and ritual? Smudging. What is the Medicine? Becoming the Medicine. 
  • Month 2 – Medicine of the Moon
    Understanding moon centres in the body. Lunar influence. Divine Feminine. Earth Mother influences. Full/new moon group rituals.
  • Month 3 – Medicine of the Ancestors
    12 Rays of Life on Earth. Embracing, accepting, remembering. Living the Challenge. 
  • Month 4 – Medicine of Earth
    Learning Agnihotra and homa therapies. Ley lines, rivers, mountains and helpers. Poles of Earth and torus energy. Seasonal shifts. Earth heart alignment ritual.
  • Month 5 – Medicine of Crystals and Gems
    How to approach, uses and partnerships. Affinities and Planet of Origin. How to cleanse. Imbolc and crystals in full moon ritual.
  • Month 6 – Medicine of Imagination and Waking Dreams
    Imagination resurrection and rebirth. Inner alchemy. Power of guided imagery. Eostar/Spring Equinox ritual.
  • Month 7 – Medicine of the Waters
    Deities, bodies of water, natural water. How to connect. Enhancing fertility and flow. Movement and memory. Beltane/water charging ritual.
  • Month 8 – Medicine of Other Realms and Beings
    Animism. Relating to helpers. Where are other realms? Multidimensionality. Spirit helper ritual.
  • Month 9 – Medicine of Oils and Elixirs
    Preparation of recipes and libations. Enhanced oleation practice. Why elixirs? Liquid cleanse. Summer solstice ritual.
  • Month 10 – Medicine of Song and Sound
    Personal mantra practice with mala. Resonance and Sound Light. Finding Heart Song ritual.
  • Month 11 – Medicine of the Sun
    Supply of the Source. Solar influences. 3 mystic channels. Moving from scarcity to sovereignty.
  • Month 12 – Medicine of Creative Alchemy
    Offer your best gift. Art with no mind. Non-identity and outcomes. Creative art project for Equinox. Greatest source. 

Year three The Embodiment offers individualized care and attention in developing, embracing and promoting each students’ unique gifts. Students will learn to host their own public ceremonies, rituals, classes and courses according to their affinities. There will be group monthly sessions as well as individual meets.

What the Training Requires From You

The enrichment of The Initiate is best supported with self-love, friendliness, dedication and commitment.  Without these key elements, the training will be lost to the superficial.  In the core program, Initiates will be required to commit to:

  • Willingness to link with Bermalva, spiritual teacher/mentor, in the form of the Mystic Living Program
  • 3 year commitment to program, concluding with a graduation ceremony
  • Monthly online/in person meet up sessions
  • Specific daily spiritual practice given
  • Self-exploration projects and homework
  • Availability to enhance both the inner and outer worlds of the Self
  • Openness to enhance ones inner gifts
  • Willingness to build new perspectives and destroy illusion.
  • Payment plan of choice plus admin fee if applicable.

The Mystic Living Program is a substantial and deeply enriching course, and is the only one of it’s kind.  If you have not yet worked with Bermalva in any capacity, a short interview is required as part of the registration process.  Offered online or in person.


This 12 month training program starts October and concludes September the following year. A certificate will be awarded to each graduating Initiate upon completion of the program.


Students can choose a payment method and timing that best suits their needs.

There are 12 months of training, the price includes the Practical Awakening course price.

Cost per month is $155.00 CDN. 

Please note that the Earth Foundations Course is included in the cost in first year.

Options for payment are:

  • Monthly, at the first of each month $155.00 CDN
  • Quarterly – four times per year.  $465.00 CDN paid on Oct. 1 & Jan. 1,  and April 1 & July. 1
  • Half year – two times per year.  $930.00 CDN paid on Oct. 1 and April 1
  • Full year – one payment.  $1860.00 CDN paid on Oct. 1

This includes the cost of book “Mystic Rites – A Guide for Sacred Living” and “Sound Light Songs” CD by The Bhakti Connection.

One spot if offered at a significant discount to single parents, those with serious health challenges, and working students. Minimum of 5 students are required to run the course.

A non-refundable administration fee of $50 is required at time of registration, regardless of type of payment option, except “Full year” payment.  There is no administrative fee for “Full year” payment.

Cancellation of program

There may be circumstances that arise during the program that might make it impractical or impossible for an Initiate to start or continue with the program.  Should this arise, prior to October, any payments will be refunded in full, minus the $50 admin fee.  Once the program has begun and payments have been made – any interruptions to the program will be looked at individually, resulting in either partial refund, full refund, or no refund.  An example of a no refund situation is if an Initiate cancels participation after the 15th of any month, having already received the teachings/class of that month.  However in this situation, any payments made for subsequent months would be refunded in full, as long as the month had not yet started and the teachings not yet received.

To Register:

  1.  Fill in and submit registration form below.
  2. Send registration fee to and await confirmation.