New Earth

New Earth

Santainaii and the Light of the New Earth, what is it?

The evolution of consciousness on the planet is growing and changing.  This new frequency, a form of light, is being anchored all over the world by masters, individuals, groups and by simple acts.  There are many who are hearing and awakening to this call at this particular time.  The Earth herself is calling out representatives to uphold the gateways and pathways for the emergence of a new era.  The New Earth is an era where awakened souls are stepping bravely forward, offering their lives in service to the enhancement of Light and betterment of All of Life.  For sustainable spirituality, sustainable living on the lands, and sustainable ways of relating to one another.  The spiritual awakening, happening in the hearts of all are sustained, nourished and revealed by the workings at Santainaii.

At this time on Earth we have the opportunity to either lead responsible lives, leading out of the darkness of our past, or stay in the entanglements of the past.  The New Earth supports the self responsible – seeing the world as a manifestation of one’s own inner world.  The New Earth acknowledges our infinite interconnections through all of existence, with all other life on the planet and declares all of Life as sacred.  It is a commitment to living truly and simply.  It is a commitment to one’s Essence, or deep sense of purpose for this life.  It is harmony within the dance of the elements.  It is a new form of spiritual leadership, and the leaders are rising.

The New Earth is all of us recognizing we belong to each other and belong to Earth.